Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is corrupt. In addition to accepting and concealing decades of lavish gifts from billionaire Republican mega-donor Harlan Crow, he has refused to recuse himself from cases with glaring conflicts of interest. He cannot and is not an impartial judge. But, despite public demands, Thomas has not stepped down and he has not been impeached.
“Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver has an offer for Thomas. $1M annually if he resigns from the Supreme Court and a $2.4M tour bus. Tell Thomas to take the offer!
Why is this important?
Ever since his confirmation hearings more than 30 years ago, the public has questioned Thomas's ethics and behavior. His abuse of power, his conflicts of interest, and his secrecy about his financial and political ties make him unfit to serve.
Back in 2000, Justice Thomas complained about his salary—at the time it was $173,000—and implied he might leave the Supreme Court. And that’s when the gifts started rolling in.
38 vacations
26 private jet flights
8 flights by helicopter
12 VIP passes to sports events
Luxury vacations in Florida and Jamaica
And that’s just what was undisclosed. The value of the gifts he has received from Harlan Crow—who paid for Thomas’ vacations, his mother’s house, and nephew’s tuition—and other mega-donors over the years is in the millions. He even accepted a loan from a healthcare executive to purchase a luxury RV, and then had a significant portion of that loan forgiven. Meanwhile, Thomas ruled against student debt relief for everyday Americans.
Thomas has abused his position—from refusing to recuse himself from cases regarding his wife's involvement in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election to crusading on behalf of his right-wing allies to overturn abortion access and so much more.
But since he refuses to resign, and Congress lags on impeachment, the late-night host John Oliver has found a third option. $1M annually if Thomas resigns from the Supreme Court and a $2.4M tour bus. Thomas has 30 days to accept the offer—as he has accepted countless other gifts from wealthy donors.
Tell Thomas to accept John Oliver’s offer and step down from the Supreme Court!