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The only way to steer American democracy to safety is to wrest money out of the claws of the wealthiest elites, who now control finances rivaling the economies of whole nations. By Sonali Kolhatkar As we count down toward the 2024 general election, we…
EDITOR'S COMMENTARY:   Rabid white supremacist are hell bent on banning books and manipulating school curriculums so that their version of history and what they believe is good or bad, right or wrong is all our young people will be allowed to learn.…
Grab some friends, load up the car, and head to Tallahassee.  Let your voice be heard, "Reproductive healthcare is every person's right!" Please consider making a donation to the event using THIS LINK, particularly if you cannot attend in person!
#OccupyTally to protest the near total abortion ban bill starting Monday, 4/3 The NEAR TOTAL ban on abortion (HB7/SB300) has quickly moved through the Legislature with final votes expected in the coming days, Reproductive freedom partners are gathering…
We are here still fighting and we need all who can join us and/or make a donation.  Remember: what DeSantis is doing to Floridians, he wants to ultimately do to all Americans.  If he gets to be president, he will do it and all the spineless, vile…
Today is the day we commemorate the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920.  This amendment prohibits the government from denying citizens of the United States the right to vote on the basis of their sex.  Representative Bella Abzug…
Editor's Note:  This is a personal opinion post by Wicem Gindrey In France, we know Wicem Gindrey because she works for, a journal in San Francisco. As for her, Biden is not popular enough for 2024 and as Joe Biden is very old, Gindrey…
More than a black eye: domestic violence does not only include physical violence. Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of abusive or coercive behavior used to gain and maintain power and control over another person. This includes: emotional abuse,…
PREFACE:  The views expressed in this post are the antithesis to the basic premise of this website and the convictions of the staff.  However, we have stated our intentions to welcome opposing opinions so long as they are presented in accordance with…
1967 – Jayne Mansfield is killed when her car runs under the rear end of a tractor trailer.  Since then, all trailers have a DOT bar at the rear to keep cars from going under them. 1982 – Seven people die when Tylenol packaging is tampered with.  Since…
•Time• the sedative was given •Time• the paralytic was given •Time• the patient was intubated •Time• their central line was placed •Time• their arterial line was placed •Time• their Vas Cath was placed •Time• CRRT initiated •Time• the patient was proned…
NEW YORK -  A new study into the representation of women in media says news organizations should do more to include female perspectives.    The first step to achieving that equity is for journalists to acknowledge that imbalance exists in newsrooms and…