It' time to make sure your Representative knows you won't keep quiet about this attempt to help the rich and hurt the rest of us.
Americans For Tax Fairness ( ) has posted this alert about what RepubliKKKans in the House want to do TO YOU. Of course they would like to do it, hoping you won't be aware until it is too late.
Maura Quint, Campaign Director, states:
The House’s first order of business when they return from Thanksgiving break is to hold a hearing on Speaker Mike Johnson’s “commitment to a debt commission”.[1]
These kinds of “commissions” are always presented as unbiased, but they all start with an agenda―and in this case it’s to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other critical programs. Republicans claim they want to tackle our nation’s debt, but they refuse to consider any new revenues from those who can most afford it: the ultra-wealthy and large, profitable corporations. In fact, they want to cut their taxes even more!
The GOP’s true goal is to cut benefits to pay for more tax breaks for their millionaire and billionaire campaign contributors.
Executive Director David Kass adds this to the report:
With only a handful of weeks left in the year, what is Congress’s top priority?
Politico is reporting, “The House Budget Committee is taking its first step in fulfilling Speaker Mike Johnson’s commitment to a debt commission,” holding hearings immediately after Thanksgiving break.[1]
But, this so-called debt commission has nothing to do with addressing our nation’s debt. Republicans’ real plan is to cut popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and more―and to do so through a bipartisan commission, to give themselves political cover.
While congressional Republicans claim these cuts are in the name of “fiscal responsibility,” they’re simultaneously moving ahead with plans to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations.
But, the White House isn’t pulling any punches, calling this debt commission exactly what it is, “a death panel for Medicare and Social Security.”[2]
Together, we’re fighting back against attempts to cut our earned benefits to pay for tax cuts for the rich and corporations
[2] White House Calls Proposed GOP Commission a ‘Death Panel’ for Medicare, Social Security
Original post blogged on Women' Voices Media.