Mother Nature - Don't P--- Her Off
I seems like Mother Nature had plans for us and it didn't include posting to websites and social media. The situation, while consuming several days of our time, fortunately ended very well for us. No wind damage, no flooding.
But, of course that has not been the case for many thousands of other people and the storm continues to cause problems for many more.
It seems there isn't a day that goes by that doesn't include weather disasters and/or gun violence or both. How much more bodily harm and destruction and how many more deaths must occur before Congress comes together and agrees on ways to stop it? Disaster is knocking on our door. We can either take action to bar it or we can sit and wait to be destroyed. Hey guys, thoughts and prayers don't cut it anymore.
Even if you agree something must be done, if you do nothing, you are contributing to the problem. There is strength in numbers which cannot be denied. But time for action is running out. Let's stop p------ Mother Nature off and get gun controls! NOW!
Original post blogged on Women' Voices Media.