Wednesday we shared a post from Joyce Vance's newsletter "Civil Discource". Our hope is that you are thoroughly reading it. It is extremely important that everyone understand what Trump intends to do if he is elected.
Now I am going to pivot to the purpose of today's post. What you can do to help elect candidates, including Kamala Harris, up and down the ballot who will work for YOU, not their own greedy, harmful intentions. It won't take but a short time every day or two or even three - just whenever you see or read something that shows MAGA's for what they intend to do to us all, if elected.
Do you remember the old "telephone tree"? i.e. You have important information you want/need to share with a number of people. You call ten of your friends, relatives or group members with whom you want to share, giving each the information and asking each of them to share it with ten people. And so on it goes to an ever-expanding group.
Currently, doing this is easier than it ever was in the past. You can create your list of people as a separate set of contacts in your phone or email - even in your Facebook contact list. Then send to all of them at ONE time!
So where do you get this information to share? From everything you see and read i.e. YouTube, Facebook, womensvoices, ect. It can be script and/or video. It can be funny and/or serious. Whatever catches your eye and just might inform your group of people. It's all up to you. The goals here are (1) to inform people so they understand how critical this election is and (2) to make sure they are REGISTERED and VOTE.
You can start by sharing the Joyce Vance post from Wednesday. The link is below. Accompany it with a brief explanation of why you think it is important to know this information. You might add a few words about the author's credentials, if you think it will help persuade your contacts.
If you are sending to people in Florida, be sure you remind them to vote YES on Amendment 4. Passage of this amendment will protect repeoductive freedom, not only for Floridians, but for those who live in southern states where abortions are banned or severely restricted.
GET TO WORK! PLEASE. Together we can get the job done!
Original post blogged on Women' Voices Media.