False Prophets don’t speak for me! For decades, the religious right has aligned itself with the Republican Party’s powers-that-be in an attempt to monopolize public conversations about faith and define what it means to be a “values voter.” But Faithful America members have been standing up to those who are hijacking Jesus’ name and trying to baptize their oppressive and harmful policies. Visit https://americanfalseprophets.org/ to learn more about the 2024 False Prophets inductees as well as those already in Faithful America’s False Prophets Hall of Fame. #FalseProphetsDontSpeakforMe
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. - Matthew 7:15
The religious right LOVES to tell people that the only Christian way to vote is for candidates and policies that are all about control, bigotry, fear, and even political violence. They've convinced too many people -- and the media -- that to be a "good Christian", you have to vote like them.
That's simply not true, and we need to call it out. Our Gospel-rooted faith leads us to support joy, freedom, love, and equality and justice for all -- not Donald Trump and his MAGA Christian nationalism.
We need to be as loud as we can with this message. As we've seen from all the calls and conversations centered around identity over the past few weeks, it's immensely powerful to see someone who looks and thinks like you showing a different path.
Original post blogged on Women' Voices Media.